Model Instruction Sheets

Click the photo of the model below that you need an instruction sheet for and the selected instruction will come up in another browser window.
From there you can view and/or print the instruction sheet if you like.

If you don't see your model listed, then click the "General Instruction Sheet" since that will be all you need for info on your model.

Abe Lincoln Cabin

Bank Building


Ice Cream Stand

Small Log Cabin (1)

Log Cabin With Extension and Woodpile (2)

2 Story Log Cabin with Porch (3)

Log Cabin with Porch and Rain Barrel (5)

Log Cabin with 9 Windows (6)

Log Piles

Moe's Auto Garage


Old One Room Schoolhouse

Post Office

Beverly Hillbillies Shack

Pearl's Diner


General Instruction Sheet